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  1. Shamey R, “Maxwell, James Clark”, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_365-2, In book: Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Publisher: Elsevier, Editors: M. R. Luo
  2. Shamey R, “Newton, (Sir) Isaac”, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-8071-7_364, In book: Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, pp.961-966
  3. Shamey R, “Purkyne, Jan Evangelista”, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_342-1, In book: Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, pp.961-966
  4. Shamey, R, Zubair M, Cheema H, Effect of filed view size and lighting on unique hue selection using Natural Color System object colors, Vision Research, 05/2015, 113.
  5. Yi E, Shamey R, Crosscultural comparison of color terms and preference of persimoon-dyed fabric, Galchon, Color. Res. Appl, 01/2015, DOI I:10.1002/col.21941
  6. Cao R., Castle M., Sawatwarakul W., Fairchild M., Kuehni R., Shamey R. *, Scaling perceived saturation, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 08/2014; 31(8).
  7. Shamey R *, Cao R, Tomasino T, Zaidy S S H, Iqbal K, Lin J, Lee S G, Performance of select color-difference formulas in the blue region., Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 06/2014; 31(6):1328-1336.
  8. Shamey R*, Sawatwarakul W, Sha F, Does hue affect the perception of grayness?, Color Research Appl, 05/2004, DOI: 10.1002/col.21894
  9. Shamey R, Sawatwarakul W, Khuehni RG, Cognitive Comparison of unique and intermediate hues, Color Research Appl, 03/2014; DOI:10.1002/col.21875
  10. Shamey R*, Lin J, Sawatwarakul W, Cao R. Evaluation of Performance of Various Color-Difference Formulae Using an Experimental Black Dataset, Color Research Appl, 10/2013; DOI:10.1002/col.21844
  11. Shamey R*, Cao R, Tomasino T, Zaidy SSH, Iqbal K, Lin J, and Lee S.G, Performance of select color-difference formulas in the blue region, The Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 9, Iss. 8 (2014),
  12. Cao R, H J Trussell, R Shamey*, Comparison of the performance of inverse transformation methods from OSA-UCS to CIEXYZ. J Optical Society of America A, 08/2013; 30(8):1508-15.
  13. Mankiewicz J L., J Godwin, Brittany L. Holler, P M. Turner, R Murashige, R Shamey, H V. Daniels and R J. Borski (2013). Masculinizing Effect of Background Color and Cortisol in a Flatfish with Environmental Sex-Determination. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 1-11, DOI: 10.1093/icb/ict093.
  14. Shamey*, R. (2013). Coloration: Textile. Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Article ID: 335020 · Chapter ID: 156.
  15. Clonts Haslup J R, Shamey R*, Hinks D, (2012) The Effect of Hue on the Perception of Blackness Using Munsell Samples, Color Research Application, DOI: 10.1002/col.21744.
  16. Lin J, Shamey R*, Trussell J (2012) The Effect of Texture on Perception and Measurement of Whiteness, AATCC Review, March/April, 12, 2, 61-68.
  17. Shamey R, Shepherd S, Abed M, Chargualaf M, Garner N, Dippel N, Weisner N, Kuehni RG (2011) How well are color components of samples of the Natural Color System estimated?, J. Optical Society of America A, 28, 10, 1962-1969.
  18. Trussell JH, Lin J, Shamey R (2011) Effects of Texture on Color Perception, IEEE Perception and Visual Signal Analysis, June, 7-11.
  19. Shamey R, Shepherd S, Abed M, Chargualaf M, Garner N, Dippel N, Weisner N, Kuehni RG (2011) How well are color components of samples of the Natural Color System estimated?, Virtual J. Biomedical Optics, (6), 11.
  20. Lee SG, Shamey R*, Hinks D, Jasper W (2011) Development of a Comprehensive Visual Dataset Based on a a CIE blue color center: assessment of color difference formulae using various statistical methods. Color Research and Application, 36 (1), 27-41.
  21. Hinks D, Shamey R (2011) Review of retail store lighting: implications for colour control of products. Color. Technol, 127, 121-128.
  22. Melgosa M, Garcia P, Gomez-Robledo L, Shamey R, Hinks D, Cui G, Luo R (2011) Notes on the application of the standardized residual sum of squares index for the assessment of intra- and inter-observer variability in color difference experiments. J. Optical Society of America A, 28 (5), 949-953.
  23. Senthilkumar M, Selvakumar N, Shamey R* (2011) The effect of humidity and fabric surface geometry on the colour of cotton fabrics dyed with a select range of anionic dyes. Dyes and Pigments. 90, 3, 225-232.
  24. Melgosa M, Garcia P, Gomez-Robledo L, Shamey R, Hinks D, Cui G, Luo R (2011) Notes on the application of the standardized residual sum of squares index for the assessment of intra- and inter-observer variability in color difference experiments. V. J. Biomedical Optics, (6) 6.
  25. Shamey R, Cardenas LM, Hinks D, Woodard R (2010) Comparison of naive and expert subjects in the assessment of small color differences. J. Optical Society of America A, 27 (6), 1482-1489.
  26. Shamey R, Sedito M, Kuehni RG (2010) Comparison of Unique Hue Stimuli Determined by Two Different Methods. Color Research Application, 35 (6), 419-424.
  27. Kuehni RG, Shamey R*, Mathews M, Keene B (2010) Perceptual prominence of Hering’s chromatic primaries. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 27 (2), 159-165.
  28. Shamey R, Cárdenas LM, Hinks D, Woodard R (2010) Comparison of naïve and expert subjects in the assessment of small color differences. Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, 5 (10).
  29. Cárdenas LM, Shamey R, Hinks D (2009) Development of a Novel Linear Gray Scale for Visual Assessment of Small Color Differences. AATCC Review, 9 (8), 42-47.
  30. Li S, Shamey R, Xu C (2009) Prediction of Depth of Shade of a Dyed Polyester Fabric based on Fiber. Coloration Tech, 125 (5), 296-303.
  31. Kuehni RG, Shamey R*, Mathews M, Keene B (2010) Perceptual prominence of Hering’s chromatic primaries. Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics, 5 (4).
  32. Cardenas LM, Shamey R*, Hinks D (2009) Key variables in the control of color in the textile supply chain. Int. J. Cloth. Sci. Tech, 21 (5), 256-269.
  33. Kuehni RG, Hinks D, Shamey R (2008) Experimental Object Color Unique Hue Data for the Mean Observer for Color Appearance Modeling. Color Research Application, 33 (6), 505-506.
  34. Hinks D, Cardenas LM, Kuehni RG, Shamey R (2007) Unique-hue stimulus selection using Munsell color chips. Journal of Optical Society of America (JOSA) A, 24 (10), 3371-3378.
  35. Shamey R*, Nobbs JH (2000) The Use of Colorimetry in the Control of Dyeing Machinery. Textile Chemist Colorist and American Dyestuff Reporter, 32 (2) 47.
  36. Melgosa M, Garcia PA, Gómez-Robledo P, Huertas R, Shamey R, Hinks D, Cui G, Luo M.R (2010) Using A Pseudo Standardized Residual Sum Of Squares (Stress) To Measure The Intra-Observer And Inter-Observer Variability In A Grey-Scale Color-Difference Experiment, AIC 2010 “Color and Food”, the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, Argentina, Proceedings, 132.
  37. Shamey R*, Hinks D, Melgosa M, Luo MR, Cui G, Huertas R, Cárdenas L, Lee SG (2010) Evaluation of Performance of Twelve Color-Difference Formulae Using Two NCSU Experimental Datasets. 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision, CGIV2010/MCS10, 423-428.
  38. Clonts R, Shamey R*, Hinks D (2010) Effect of Colorimetric Attributes on Perceived Blackness of Materials. 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision, CGIV2010/MCS10, 83-87.
  39. Shamey R*, Lee SG, Hinks D, Jasper W (2008) Performance of Recent Color Difference Equations around a CIE Blue Color Center. 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 10th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science, 7-11.
  40. Hinks D, Shamey R, Kuehni R, Cardenas L, Jasper W, Gunay M (2006) Comparison of Naive and Expert Observers in the Assessment of Small Color Differences between Textile Samples, The Third European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision (CGIV), Leeds, UK, 341-344.
  41. Shamey R*, Gilchrist A, Nobbs JH (1998) The Use of Colorimetry in the Control of Dyeing Machinery, Colour Science 98 International, Harrogate, UK, III, Colour Physics, 172-192.
  42. Shamey R. (2008) Review of “Books on Colour, 1500-2000, 2500 Titles in English and Other European Languages”, by Roy Osborne. Color Research & Application, 33 (6), 513-514.
  43. Hinks D, Shamey R, Cárdenas L, Cassill N (2006) Optimizing Color Control through the Supply Chain, JTATM.
  44. Rolf G. Kuehni and Andreas Schwartz, Color Ordered: A Survey of Color Systems from Antiquity to the Present, Oxford Press, 2008
  45. Rolf G. Kuehni. Variability in Unique Hue Selection: A Surprising Phenomenon. Color Research & Application, 29(2):158-162, 2004.
  46. Rolf G. Kuehni, Color Space and Its Divisions: Color Order from Antiquity to the present, New York: Wiley, 2003.
  47. Rolf G. Kuehni, Color: An Introduction to Practice and Principles, New York: Wiley, 1997. Revised, second edition in preparation.
  48. Rolf G. Kuehni, Color Space and Its Divisions: Color Order from Antiquity to the present , New York: Wiley, 2003. Wiley’s website
  49. Rolf G. Kuehni, Color: An Introduction to Practice and Principles, New York: Wiley, 1997.
    Revised, second edition in preparation Wiley’s website
  50. Rolf G. Kuehni, Color: Essence and Logic, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983. Out of print.
  51. Rolf G. Kuehni, Computer Colorant Formulation, Lexinton, MA: Lexington Books, 1975. Out of print.
  52. Comparing observers (with R. Ramanath), accepted for Color Research and Application.
  53. Variability in unique hue selection, accepted for Color Research and Application.
  54. Spectral Spaces and Color Spaces (with R. Ramanath, W.E. Snyder, and D. Hinks), accepted for Color Research and Application.
  55. Colour difference formulas: accurate enough for objective colour quality control of textiles? Colouration Technology 119 (2003) 164-169.
  56. Book review of Theories, technologies, instrumentalities of color, B. Saunders and J. van Brakel, eds. Color Research and Application 28 (2003) 231-232.
  57. Francis Glisson’s color specification system of 1677 (with R. Stanziola), Color Research and Application 27 (2002) 15-19.
  58. A brief history of calico printing, AATCC Review July 2002, 7-11.
  59. The early development of the Munsell system, Color Research and Application 27 (2002) 20-27.
  60. The remarkable Arthur König, Color Research and Application 26 (2001) 335-339.
  61. From color matching error to large color differences, Color Research and Application 26 (2001) 384-393.
  62. A comparison of five sets o color difference data. Color Research and Application 26 (2001) 141-150.
  63. Determination of unique hues using Munsell color chips. Color Research and Application 26 (2001) 61-66.
  64. Color: what could it be? Proceedings AIC Color 01. Bellingham, WA: SPIE 2002.

Expert Systems

  1. Shamey R, Sawatwarakul W, Innovative critical solutions in the dyeing of protein textile materials, Textile Progress, 12/2014, 323-442.
  2. Shamey R*, Shim WS (2011) Assessment of key issues in the coloration of polyester material, Textile Progress, 43, 2, 1–57.
  3. Shamey R*, Hussain T (2005) Critical Solutions in the Dyeing of Cotton Textile Materials. Textile Progress, 37 (No1/2), 1-84.
  4. Hussain T, Wardman RH, Shamey R* (2005) A Knowledge-based expert system for dyeing of cotton. Part 1: Design and development. Color. Technol, 121 (1), 53-58.
  5. Zhao X, Shamey R*, Wardman RH (2005) A new Approach for Modelling Fluid Flow Through a Yarn Package. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 9 (3), 64-70.
  6. Hussain T, Wardman RH, Shamey R* (2005) A Knowledge-based expert system for dyeing of cotton. Part 2: Testing and evaluation of the system. Color. Technol, 121 (2), 59-63.
  7. Shamey R*, Shim WS, Joines JA (2010) Development and application of expert systems in the textile industry. In Chen, X (Ed.), Modelling and predicting textile behaviour (322-356). Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing.